
Deconstructed Pennsylvania Standards (Single School License)


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An Overview:
These teacher-friendly, content-rich resources make it easier than ever to develop rigorous and engaging curriculum and assessments. They are organized around each grade level and/or discipline. Educators have easy access to everything they need to make the greatest impact on student achievement and to transfer all learning in school and in life.

What you get:

  • At-a-glance learning progressions
  • Identified targeted Depth of Knowledge range for instruction & assessment
  • Know, Think, Do deconstruction of each standard
  • Big Ideas & Essential Questions for instructional planning
  • Suggested key instructional strategies
  • Examples & Explanations for each standard
SKU: deconstructed_pennsylvania_standards Category:


This in-depth resource and tool helps K-12 English educators map their curriculum to Pennsylvania’s Common Core State Standards, plan College and Career Ready classroom instruction, and know what was taught.


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